Japanese Garden Salad

Japanese Garden Salad     Japanese Garden Salad2

Special Equipment

Ceramic Oven Dish


100g of mixed Salad leaves, washed
1/2 Butternut Pumpkin, sliced
Pinch of salt
2 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
1 cob of corn
1/2 cup of broad beans
1 carrot, grated
Deep Roasted Sesame Dressing *
1 teaspoon of black sesame seeds
Olive Oil


Pre-heat Oven to 180C (350F).

Place the butternut pumpkin pieces in an oven dish with the chopped garlic. Sprinkle olive oil over the pumpkin and season with a pinch of salt. Roast for about 20- 25 mins or until the pumpkin has started to brown. The pumpkin will appear ‘dry’ or ‘crisp’ on the outside but soft on the inside. Let cool.

Steam or boil the corn. This should take about 5-10 mins. Once cool, separate the corn into individual kernels.

Boil the broad beans and drain. Once cool, peel off the outer skin to reveal the ‘fleshy’ part of the bean.

Grate one carrot into a bowl and set aside.

In a salad bowl, add the salad leaves, then the pumpkin, corn, beans and carrot. When ready to eat, dress the Salad with the Roasted Sesame dressing. Add to the desired amount. Lastly, sprinkle with black sesame seeds and serve.

Serves 2

*Refer ‘The Asian Pantry’ page